Mulled Beer With Egg – Grzanka Piwna z Jajkiem – Recipe #120


  • 0,5 litre of beer
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice


  1. Transfer the beer into a saucepan, add vanilla and spice. 
  2. On a medium low heat bring to slow simmer.
  3. While your beer is heating up prepare kogel mogel. Add egg yolks and sugar into a mixing bowl and mix until pale yellow and creamy. You can use mixer or whisk.
  4. Add a little bit of hot beer to egg yolks while constantly mixing to temper the eggs (we don’t want them scrambled). Add some more still mixing.
  5. Slowly pour egg yolks to the pot with a beer. Mix constantly. Simmer until it thickens a bit.
  6. Serve hot, you can garnish with cinnamon sticks.


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